Do you have back pain that just won't relent? Or, have you tried every manner of anti-migraine medication to minimal effect? If you answered yes to both questions, you can be forgiven for thinking that this means you will need to increase your pain medication, do yoga, or drink more water to help manage the symptoms. Of course, there is one other option that you may not have considered: a visit to a chiropractor.

Yes, these practitioners are generally associated with back pain, but they can help to treat a whole range of health issues. Learn more about other health areas a chiropractic practice can help with, allowing you to feel more confident in booking their services.

1. You Are Experiencing Chronic Back or Neck Pain

When you have back pain or neck pain that doesn't relent, it can feel immensely frustrating, and it can have a drastic impact on your quality of life. Taylor Chiropractic can help to identify the cause of the back or neck pain, which is usually due to misalignments in the spine or bad posture, and can offer relief in the form of massages, adjustments, and targeted at-home exercises. These will help to reduce the discomfort and will treat any long-term associated inflammation, too.

2. You Get Frequent Headaches and/or Migraines

Nobody likes a headache, and absolutely no one likes a migraine! In many cases, migraines and recurring headaches are often caused by or linked to stiffness and tension in the neck, which can be due to posture, muscle strain, or issues with spinal alignment. A trained chiropractor can identify the cause of recurring head pain and will be able to offer you help with the realignment of your spine and relieve stiffness in the surrounding muscles. This will help to reduce the frequency of the migraines. You should find that if they do occur after treatment, they will be less intense.

3. You Have a Limited Range of Motion

Do you have issues when you try to move your neck, your shoulders, or your back? If so, this can point to issues with joint alignment or soreness and inflammation surrounding those joints. The limitation may be due to poor posture, injury, or even stress on the joints. A chiropractor will aim to use targeted stretching to help restore the movement in the joint, which will help you get back the range of motion needed to improve mobility and flexibility.

4. You Live with Chronic Pain in Joints or Muscles

If you have noticed unexplained pain in your joints or muscles, this can be the result of compensatory patterns in the body due to spinal misalignment. If a part of your spine or your joints is misaligned, this can cause stress to the surrounding muscles and the surrounding soft tissues. A chiropractor will aim to minimize soreness and strain while treating the misalignment to alleviate chronic pain.

5. You Have Developed Poor Posture or Visible Misalignment

A lot of people are developing poor postures, mostly because they are living more sedentary lifestyles, such as sitting all day in an office job hunched over the computer. Common presentations are slouching shoulders, a tilted pelvis, or a neck that leans forward. With enough time, this will cause soreness and muscle pain, as well as impact your gait. A chiropractor will be able to assess your gait to identify the cause and will provide you with details on the exercises you need to perform to gradually improve your posture.