A missing tooth can have several negative results. Besides the appearance of a full set of teeth, absent teeth can influence your ability to speak and eat, resulting in problems such as low self-esteem. Although dentures and bridges do work as a solution, dental implants are usually recommended because of their durable long-term great looks and high level of performance. Nevertheless, how can you know if this is the right decision for you?

Below are 5 signs that could suggest dental implants might be right for you.

1. Missing Teeth and Difficulty Chewing:

A shortage of teeth, especially molars which are used to grind food, can impair your ability to chew normally. This can give rise to digestive difficulty and nutrient deficiencies, wax sores and candida in the mouth, and even make it difficult to eat certain things. The function of dental implants, which are surgically inserted in the jaws to replace natural teeth, is similar to natural teeth. You can chew these foods with confidence.

2. Loose or Ill-fitting Dentures:

Although providing a temporary remedy for missing teeth, dentures can loosen or not fit properly as time goes by. Nausea from ill-fitting dentures can linger for 3 or 4 hours after eating but by the afternoon be gum pain. This is miserable so you'd like to get an implant.

3. Speech Difficulties:

When you lose front teeth or others farther back in the mouth, it will change the way your tongue reacts when you say words and form sounds with your teeth. This may make you feel like you are slurring, that you can't pronounce certain sounds properly, less assured in social situations. Attention to how you speak. Dental implants can help restore the full shape and function of your teeth, significantly improving speech and crystal-clear communication among people in general.

4. Bone Loss and Facial Changes:

When teeth are lost, the jawbone begins to atrophy from lack of exercise. The result? Facial appearances are altered by the loss of bone and sunken-ness. This reduced bone mass may also affect your overall appearance. Implanted in the jawbone, dental implants cause the bone to grow as they fuse. This reduces bone loss, maintaining an all-natural look and firmer face.

5. Pain and Discomfort:

Gum irritation, pain and discomfort are often caused by poorly fitting or loose dentures. At the same time, teeth that are chipped or infected will continually hurt. After healing, dental implants alone will not cause further pain. Such a permanent solution obviates needing new dentures or bridges to be made, reducing the anxiety caused by defective or absent teeth.

Help from Experts:

We hope this information was helpful and informative, but it is not a substitute for regular dental care. If you have any of the signs described above, then it is important to make an appointment so that a qualified dentist can evaluate your situation one-on-one and determine whether or not implants are suitable. This is done through a comprehensive inspection, examination of your oral condition and reviews of the various therapeutic options on offer - or not. Some of the benefits and potential drawbacks of dental implants can also be explained to you.


Dental implants are a very effective and durable way to replace lost teeth. The ability to eat, speak and smile more comfortably will be much enhanced. You will feel more secure in yourself because it looks so much better, also.If you're experiencing any of the signs mentioned above and are considering dental implants, schedule a consultation with a qualified dentist in your area. Dentists Parramatta offer a wide range of expertise and can help you determine if implants are the right solution for achieving optimal oral health and a full, confident smile.