In the movies, motorcycles are often shown as sleek and daring vehicles. They have massive power and can reach exhilarating speeds, which some people find joyous.

Unfortunately, movies do not show the negative aspects that come from riding motorcycles, such as how gruesome a motorcycle accident can truly be. So, you must be cautious when riding. Even the most careful drivers cannot negate the threat of a motorcycle accident. Staying safe on the road is not always in your hands, and you may be injured as a result of the negligent actions of other road users. Under such circumstances, you can sue them for compensation with the help of attorney Rich Godshall of Ostroff Godshall Injury and Accident Lawyers.

This article explores the dos and don'ts after a motorcycle accident if you hope to get compensation for your injuries.

Get Medical Help

The first thing to do after an accident should always be to get medical help. So start by calling 911. Calling 911 is important even when you feel like your injuries are not as significant because some injuries take time to manifest and can only be detected by a specialist.

Secondly, getting medical help provides the documentation necessary to establish that you suffered injuries, the costs involved in the treatment, and the link between the accident and the injuries. Seeking prompt medical attention also reinforces to the court that you are serious about the matter and are actively looking to claim the due compensation. During this stage, be sure to document all bills, invoices and receipts. 

File a Police Report

Typically, a 911 call brings the police and paramedics to the scene. Once the police arrive, ensure you give them a detailed account of events and avoid anything that would portray you as being in the wrong.

The police will rely on the information they gather at the scene, including your account, witness accounts, and physical evidence, to create their accident report, which will be available for free from the police station and part of the evidence you will need to build your case.

A police report will be admissible evidence in court. When filing the incident report, communicate all aspects of the matter clearly to law enforcement officials. The report takes accounts of the events leading up to the crash, time of day, conditions that could have led to the crash and the condition of involved parties. 

Gather Evidence

If your injuries don't render you immobile, it is important to document the accident scene. So, use your phone to take photos and video footage of the scene as you await medical help.

While at it, capture every detail that you think will be important to your case, like the positions of the car involved, your bike, your injuries, skid marks, and vehicle damage. Also, witness testimonies and contact information should be gathered.

The Don'ts

Don't leave the accident scene for whatever reason. Even when you may not be responsible for the accident, no one will believe you, and the only account the police will have is of the other party, and your case may not be so convincing to the jury.

Many accident victims get tricked into talking to the at-fault insurer without a lawyer, thus ruining their case. So, avoid it. Sometimes, they may sound genuinely interested in your well-being, but they are not. All they want is an easy way out, and engaging them could mean giving them that way. So do not answer questions; instead, tell them to wait for a call from your Lawyer. Don't admit to anything until you've spoken to your lawyer. 

If you are a fan of social media, you probably should consider staying off when pursuing a motorcycle injury claim. Everything you put out there will be under the opposing side's scrutiny, and the most unrelated thing can still be used to discredit your narrative and ultimately hurt your case. If you must use social media so badly, have your attorney vet your posts before publishing.


As the article discusses, the importance of a motorcycle accident lawyer cannot be understated. They can help you seek rightful compensation through the proper channels. These are trying times where having all the help one can get is really beneficial. Opting for the services of an attorney can help you safeguard your rights and be monetarily compensated for what you are owed in damages.