The frequency of devastating flooding events is increasing, with climate change triggering these events almost every year. But the primary issue here is that every flood differs from the others. For example, some might deposit soil that helps boost the fertility of your farmland, while others might cause erosion, ultimately wiping out an entire field.
Hence it only makes sense that people invest more in better flood detection measures and take necessary measures to manage floods on farms. Fortunately, there are many sustainable solutions that can help you better manage floods on your farm. So, let’s check them out and help you pick the right solution based on the unique characteristics of your geography.
Flood Barrier Socks
Undoubtedly, farms located on a higher elevation can flood but not as much as those on a lower elevation. In case the water level rises a couple of inches above the ground, it will not cause much damage to livestock and fully-grown crops. However, these small floods can still potentially wipe out an entire field with germinating seeds or newly sprouted crops. This is where flood barrier socks can be very helpful.
This sustainable and unique flood management tactic is garnering unmatched popularity among farmers and even certain homeowners. In addition, these barriers do not require much effort and resources to set them up, making them a feasible choice for many. Besides that, these socks are readily available at multiple home renovation retailers.
In simple terms, these barrier socks are designed to divert the floodwater. But besides that, these socks also play an important role in soaking up puddles and rainfall. The more water they soak, the more they inflate, making them a convenient alternative to doing the same thing manually.
Drainage Water Management
Most crop producers from the Midwestern region of the US are known for using drainage water management to their advantage. These systems have subsurface tile drainage to manage the water table and prevent flood water from damaging crops.
During off-seasons, these underground control structures will limit the water flow to minimize runoffs and store the water for crops planted during midsummer. Farmers generally allow the groundwater to move without any obstruction in the early spring and fall seasons before they can reap the harvest.
Numerous farmers from all over the world are already using this handy tactic to better manage floods and protect their crops. More farms are recommended to adopt this strategy to prevent flooding, increase their bottom line and conserve resources for good.
Water-Inflated Property Protector
This is another ingenious way to manage flood water with minimal effort. The water-inflated property protector will fight floodwater with a tube filled with water. Conventionally, farmers surround the barn or field with empty tubes and deploy the system with any nearby water source.
As a result, these vinyl-coated and highly durable tubes inflate and become heavier and denser for propping up internal support structures. Then, when it starts to rain and flood water begins to come in, these barriers do an excellent job of holding the water back and protecting the land. This simple yet effective way to manage flood water has helped many and more farmers should consider using it.
Shop Vacuuming
Farmer can protect their fields from getting flooded in many ways by preventing the water from coming in. However, these tactics don’t yield many results when it comes to stopping pluvial floods or rainwater. Both of these can quickly turn into puddles and then into ponds that even take over the equipment.
There have been many such cases where even larger machines ended up sinking into these mud holes and trenches, especially during a flash flood. This is the reason why shop vacuuming can be very helpful, especially when it comes to protecting equipment. For example, one can easily use a dry or wet shop vacuum to clean belts, seats, and other fabrics. However, most farmers are still wary of this tactic, making it even more important to discuss it.
With a shop vacuum, you can start cleaning almost immediately after the flood hits your farm. This will help you eliminate any standing water while expediting the drying process. Besides that, these vacuums also help protect the upholstery from developing mildew and mold, which can cause both safety and health issues for drivers.
Water Gates
Water gates have long been one of the most effective solutions when it comes to controlling above-ground flood water. These PVC devices do an excellent job of protecting livestock and crops from floodwater damage. Water gates use the pressure of the oncoming water to stabilize itself while creating a barrier simultaneously.
One of the best things about using water gates is setting them up is very easy since they are designed to deploy themselves. This is an important characteristic, especially in cases of emergency such as flash floods. Besides that, water gates are known for being lighter than even sandbags, so even a single pair of hands is enough to set up multiple gates.
Another great thing about water gates is they are built with cheaper materials as compared to sandbags. But it is worth mentioning that installing water gates can cost you dearly. However, installing just a couple of water gates will do fine if you have a small farm but deal with the adverse consequences of flash floods and heavy rain.
Conclusion: Final Thoughts!
Of course, there is no way one can battle mother nature and stop floods altogether. However, humans can always be ingenious and find ways to navigate pathways to manage flood water. This is a period when technological advancements are transforming almost every aspect, and even farmers must benefit from this.
So, using the aforementioned tactics to better manage flood water can be very helpful in terms of mitigating damages and saving your crops and livestock. Hence it is better if farmers expedite the adoption of these tactics and prevent losses caused by flooding events. The frequency of natural disasters will increase with time, and farmers must take necessary measures to deal with these events.