Welcome to the majestic Smoky Mountains, TN, a premier destination for families eager to embark on the thrilling adventure of rafting. Nestled in the heart of nature, the Smoky Mountains offer a diverse range of rivers that cater to both the serene floaters and the adrenaline seekers. If you're new to rafting and looking to create unforgettable memories with your loved ones, you're in the right place.

This guide will walk you through essential tips to ensure your rafting experience is both safe and enjoyable. Let's dive into the world of rafting where fun and excitement await at every bend of the river.

1. Choose the Right Season

Timing is key when planning your rafting trip in Tennessee. The rafting season typically runs from late spring through early fall, with water levels being most favorable after the winter snow melts and during the rainy season in early spring. Summer offers warmer weather, making it ideal for families with children who might not enjoy the chillier waters earlier in the year. Choosing the right season will not only enhance your comfort but also ensure that the rivers are at their best for beginners. Keep an eye on local weather forecasts and river water levels to pick the perfect time for your adventure.

2. Select a Reputable Rafting Company

If you're going rafting in Tennessee for the first time, choose a reputable rafting company that's known for ensuring customers' safety and enjoyment on the river. Smoky Mountain Outdoors offers comprehensive safety briefings and uses well-maintained, high-quality equipment. Their online reviews and testimonials are evidence of their great service and their friendly, knowledgeable staff will make all the difference in your rafting experience.

3. Pick a Suitable River

Tennessee is home to several beginner-friendly rivers that are perfect for those new to rafting. The Lower Pigeon River, for instance, offers Class I and II rapids, ideal for families and first-timers looking for a mild yet enjoyable experience. On the other hand, the Upper Pigeon River provides a mix of Class III and IV rapids for those seeking a bit more thrill. It's crucial to choose a river that matches your comfort level and the overall skill level of your group. Research or consult with local rafting companies to find the river that best suits your needs for a safe and enjoyable trip.

4. Understand the Gear

Proper gear is essential for a safe and comfortable rafting trip. Before you get on the river, make sure you are equipped with a life jacket, helmet, and paddle, all of which should be provided by your rafting company. The life jacket should fit snugly but comfortably, and your helmet should not move around on your head. Familiarize yourself with how to use each piece of equipment properly; your guide will give you a run-down before you start, but don't hesitate to ask questions if you're unsure about anything. Understanding your gear increases your safety and confidence on the water.

5. Dress Appropriately

What you wear can significantly impact your comfort and safety while rafting. Opt for quick-drying clothes such as synthetic fabrics or wool, which will keep you warm even when wet. Avoid cotton as it absorbs and retains water, making you colder. Depending on the weather, you might also need a light waterproof jacket. Sturdy water shoes are a must to protect your feet and provide good grip on slippery surfaces. Also, consider bringing a change of clothes for after the trip, as you will get wet. Dressing appropriately ensures you can focus on enjoying your rafting experience without discomfort.

6. Learn Basic Paddling Techniques

Before you hit the river, it's important to have a basic understanding of paddling techniques. Your guide will teach you the fundamental strokes such as the forward stroke, backstroke, and sweep. These will help you navigate the river and control your raft effectively. Practice these strokes on dry land before you start, and don't be afraid to ask your guide for pointers as you go. Knowing these techniques not only enhances your ability to steer through the rapids but also boosts your overall confidence on the water.

7. Know the Safety Rules

Safety must always come first when you're rafting. Pay close attention during the safety briefing that your guide will provide before the excursion. Key rules include always wearing your helmet and life jacket, keeping your hands on the paddle at all times, and knowing the proper body positioning in the raft. Additionally, you should understand the procedures for what to do if you fall out of the raft. Your guide will teach you how to float on your back and signal for help if needed. Always listen to your guide and follow their instructions, as they are trained to handle various situations on the river.

8. Prepare for the Water

Mentally and physically preparing for the water can make your rafting trip much more enjoyable. This includes being mentally ready to face the rapids and not panicking when water splashes or the raft shakes. Physically, you should be in a condition to handle several hours of light to moderate activity. It's also wise to do some light stretching before you start to prevent muscle cramps. If you have any medical conditions, make sure your guide is aware before you begin the trip.

9. Stay Hydrated and Protected

Staying hydrated is crucial, especially on hot sunny days when you're out on the water for several hours. Drink plenty of water before you start, and bring a water bottle that can be secured to the raft. Sun protection is equally important. Apply waterproof sunscreen before the trip, and reapply as necessary. Wearing a hat and UV-protective sunglasses can also help protect you from the sun's rays. Taking these precautions will help you avoid sunburn and dehydration, allowing you to focus on the fun and excitement of rafting.

10. Have Fun and Enjoy the Scenery

While rafting can be thrilling, it's also an opportunity to enjoy the stunning natural beauty around you. Tennessee's rivers are surrounded by lush forests, dramatic cliffs, and diverse wildlife. Take moments to appreciate where you are. Enjoy the camaraderie with your fellow rafters and the leadership of your guide. Remember, the goal of your rafting trip is to have fun and make memories, so embrace the adventure, even if you get a little wet!


Rafting in the Smoky Mountains of Tennessee offers a unique blend of excitement and scenic beauty, making it an ideal outing for families and beginners alike. By following these beginner-friendly tips, you'll ensure your rafting adventure is not only safe but also incredibly enjoyable. From choosing the right season and river to learning paddling techniques and staying hydrated, each tip contributes to a well-rounded and memorable experience. So, gather your family, choose a reputable rafting company, and prepare to paddle your way through the breathtaking landscapes of Tennessee. Adventure awaits on the river, and now you're ready to meet it head-on with confidence and excitement!