1. How to make homemade sausages?

Sausages and homemade sausages are generally made from minced meat in a wrapper made from animal intestine tubes or an artificial imitation of these tubes. The sausage possesses a great variety of taste and texture. Sausages are made from beef or poultry.

Find out how to make your homemade sausages yourself. With beef or chicken ... you just need to know the technique and have good recipes on hand!

2.Nutritional value of homemade sausages


3. The components to make homemade sausages

To make homemade sausages, you will need some special tools and ingredients.

Sausage tools

Here are the tools needed for homemade sausages:

A scale

When making sausages, there must be a scale that can measure the required amounts. As most sausage recipes require specific quantities.

A meat grinder

Since the sausage consists of minced meat, there must be a home meat grinder, which is available in different sizes and prices.


The type of entrails will vary depending on the recipe used.

Sausage funnel

It is the tool through which to put sausage casings, usually in the form of a plastic funnel, and may have been attached to the stand mixer.

Sausage ingredients

Here are the ingredients that you need for homemade sausages


To make sausages, it is necessary to bring some beef, sheep, and possibly chicken, or venison, or some sea meat and fish. It is noted that most of the sausages made in western countries consist of pork as the main meat and some other meat is added to it.


It is an essential element of flavor in sausage, and helps to maintain water, as it is characterized by its ability to emulsify in meat protein. The use of salt can change the color of sausage and make it salty with a bitter flavor. Therefore pure and soft salt must be used to dissolve in the meat easily; in addition, salt contributes to preserving the sausage, preventing microbial damage and extracting soluble meat protein. Most sausages contain 2-3% of the salt.


Some flavors can be added to sausages, such as bread, fruits, vegetables, sugar, and nuts; As these flavors give a distinct taste to sausage and can be applied a day before cooking to mix better with meat.

Nitrates and nitrites

They are used to preserve meat and increase the shelf-life of sausages to eat. Examples include sodium nitrite. Nitrates and nitrites are added in order to achieve distinctive flavor, color, and stability for salted meat.

4. Homemade sausages recipes

4.1 recipe N° 1


  • 1 kilogram of finely chopped lamb.
  • A tablespoon of salt or as needed.
  • A half teaspoon of white vinegar.
  • Half a kilogram of finely chopped meat.
  • A pinch of cinnamon, ground paprika. salt
  • A chopped clove of garlic.


In a bowl, mix the lamb meat, salt, and vinegar. Add minced meat, spices mixture, and chopped garlic, and continue mixing until the ingredients are homogeneous.

Use the sausage funnel to fill the entrails with the meat mixture. Or you can just form the mixture of meat into fingers.

Then put the sausage fingers into a wide tray and put them into the freezer until use.

4.2 recipe N°2

Homemade sausage with eggs.


  • 2 eggs.
  • 1 tablespoon of finely chopped parsley.
  • 2 sticks of finely chopped green onions.
  •  A piece of cucumber cut into circles.
  • 2 pieces of sausage, cut into medium pieces.
  • Half a teaspoon of each: salt, black pepper.
  •  2 tablespoons of white cheese, cut into small pieces.
  • 2 slices of sliced luncheon.
  • A teaspoon of soft butter.


Heat the butter in a saucepan over the fire, then put the sausage and stir until it becomes brown. Add eggs, parsley, white cheese, cucumber, green onions, luncheon, and salt, plus black pepper. Stir the mixture well, cover it and leave on low heat for five minutes. Remove the mixture from the heat and pour it into a serving dish.