Telegram is a popular messaging app that people use to send text messages, images, and other types of content to one another. It's become a common platform because creating an account is easy, and you don't always have to link your information. Therefore, there is more anonymity with Telegram than with some other messaging platforms.

Whether you want to make an account or speak to someone on Telegram, it's important to know if you can do so without a phone number. Read on to learn everything you need to know about using Telegram without a phone number.

What Is Telegram?

Telegram is a communication platform similar to Whatsapp, Facebook Messenger, and other messaging apps. It's cloud-based and encrypted and was originally launched on iOS devices and later on Android devices, albeit in the same year or 2013.

Telegram wasn't the most popular messaging app during its release, but it continues to rise in popularity. In fact, millions of people around the world use the platform to communicate with one another, which makes it a great place to connect with others.

Can You Use Telegram Without a Phone Number?

Yes, you can use Telegram without a phone number. To do so, you have to purchase the phone number on the Fragment Blockchain. This is a cryptocurrency blockchain that has anonymous phone numbers for sale that you can use on Telegram.

While these numbers are for sale, they can only be used on Telegram. Other platforms don't allow the numbers to be used and they can't be used by your carrier; this is for Telegram only.

How to Use Telegram Without a Phone Number

To use Telegram without a phone number there are a few steps you need to follow. Additionally, it's important to note that you'll technically be using a phone number – it just won't be yours. There are two ways you can do this; the VOIP route and the blockchain route. We cover the steps for both methods below.

Fragment Blockchain

Blockchain technology is starting to become popular and you can now use the Fragment Blockchain to purchase and use anonymous numbers on Telegram.

Fragment numbers are only compatible with Telegram and you will have to convert your currency to cryptocurrency to purchase the phone numbers at auction. The good news is that this can be done for only a few dollars depending on the phone number.

Using a Fragment number is beneficial because it's almost impossible to trace it back to you, but the downside is that you have to use a blockchain, which has a learning curve.

VOIP Method

VOIP, or voice-over-internet protocol, is a tool for creating a phone number associated with an online account. You can create an account with a VOIP provider and use that phone number to register with Telegram. Some users report that this works well, but there have also been some issues with it, such as accounts being banned. Therefore, it may be a hit-or-miss method.

That said, it's a way to use Telegram without a traditional phone number and a suitable alternative for people who don't want to use blockchain technology.

Tips for Using Telegram

Telegram is a great way to speak with someone but we always recommend being careful on the app. While it's convenient that you can make an account without your phone number, you'll find that others may take advantage of this feature. Since an account isn't tied to any legitimate phone number or contact information, it can be hard to verify someone's identity.

That said, if you do come across someone's phone number on the app, it might be a temporary one or a VOIP account used specifically for scamming others on Telegram. For this reason, we always recommend using an online reverse phone lookup tool to learn more about who you're talking to on Telegram.

Enjoy Telegram Without a Phone Number Today

Telegram allows you to make an account without a phone number, but this is a two-way street. This means that others can also remain anonymous when using Telegram, so it's always a good idea to use a reverse phone lookup tool before engaging with anyone on the platform.

Doing so will help you avoid scams, spam, and other common issues people have on the platform.

That said, if you plan on using an anonymous number, make sure you follow the right steps and are prepared to purchase it.