Dabur India Ltd. is a publicly traded company that provides its customers with a wide range of goods and services. The business has built a solid reputation, which increases demand for its products and shares. Although the company is anticipated to follow a bearish trend in the near future, the price of the shares has been rising in the past, and it is possible that they will momentarily decline before rising once more and offsetting the losses.

Dabur India ltd Share Price Insights:-

The market value of the shares of the Dabur Company is presently 521 INR, however this is only a temporary price that could fluctuate in the future.

The share price as of right now has dropped by 0.61 percent from the closing price of the previous day.

Shares can be purchased for anywhere between 519 and 525.10 INR, depending on the going rate on the market.

The company's revenue and earnings are expected to grow by 9.4% and 13.4% yearly, respectively, in the future.

Over the past five years, the company's share price has returned 22.53 percent; however, within the last three years, there has been a 2.37 percent decline in return.

Over the last three months, the negative return was 1.63 percent, and over the last year, it was 3.58 percent.

Based on the current forecasting process, share prices may rise in the future.

The projected share price of Dabur for 2025 is 612.85 INR, but keep in mind that this is just a rough estimate that could fluctuate at any time.

791.82 INR is Dabur share price prediction  for 2030, based on the company's past and present stock exchange performance.

The company sets target pricing based on these predicted values, which it intends to achieve in a year.

Read more:-

Dabur share price target 2023

Dabur share price target 2022

Dabur aims to reach share prices of 540.18 and 650.19 Indian rupees in 2024 and 2025, respectively.

The following are the objectives for the Dabur share price target: In 2028, 801.6 INR; in 2029, 845.15 INR; and in 2030, 900.92 INR.

Over the past year, the share price of the company has reached a maximum of 658.95INR and a minimum of 488.30INR in the last 52 weeks.

Based on the market price of the shares that are currently trading on stock markets, Dabur Ltd.'s share prices are 41% overvalued.

Dabur Ltd.'s shares are presently trading at a negative position on the markets, indicating a possible decrease in value from high to low, per the trade analysis.

Dabur Share Price Target 2024

Months                    Target Prices 




April536.8 May538.12








Dabur Share Price Target 2025

Months                   Target Prices













Dabur Share Price Target 2026

Months                 Target Prices


Dabur Share Price Target 2027

Months                 Target Prices


Dabur Share Price Target 2028

Months                Target Prices


Dabur Share Price Target 2029

Months               Target Prices


Dabur Share Price Target 2030

Months               Target Prices


Dabur India ltd Financials:-

Market Capitalization value              92287 crores

Total Share capital177.18 crores

Long Term Borrowings249.45 crores

Short Term Borrowings307.76 crores

Long Term Provisions57.68 crores

Short Term Provisions140.47 crores

Long Term Investments5202.53 crores

Short Term Investments272.53 crores

Trade Receivables561.18 crores

Trade Payables1818.72 crores

Total Inventories1233.17 crores

Total Assets9352.44 crores

Total Contingent liabilities467.81 crores

Total revenue9076.52 crores

Total Expenses7218.20 crores

Total Finance costs46.37 crores

Total Equity Share Dividend921.31 crores

EPS7.75ROCE28.33 percent

ROE21.84 percentReturn on Assets14.68 percent

Asset Turnover ratio0.97 percentInven

tory Turnover ratio2.83 percent

Dividend Payout ratio67.08 percent

Earnings yield ratio0.01 percent

Dabur India ltd Shareholding Pattern:-

Shareholders                                      Share Percentage

Promoters66.24 percent

Foreign Institutions16.49 percent

Retail and others6.92 percent

Mutual Funds5.61 percent

Other Domestic Institutions4.74 percent

Dabur India ltd Competitors:-

  • Marico
  • Patanjali
  • Emami
  • ITC
  • Britannia

Points to be considered before investing in Dabur India ltd:-

It's important to keep in mind that the share price may increase or decrease in the future, so be mindful of the risks and possible losses.

Don't borrow money to finance your investments; instead, make little, consistent investments over time.

Examine the fund, classifications, types, and return available of the company you are considering investing in.

Because share values might fluctuate suddenly, keep an eye on them before and after the investment.

Trends must be monitored and the tax implication ratio that will apply to shares confirmed in order to anticipate a ratio for the next fiscal year. 


One company that has been listed on stock exchanges for a long time is Dabur India Ltd. The business operates quite effectively, and the value of its shares is increasing with time. The company's share price has recently returned negatively, and there's a significant chance that it will return negatively in the years to come. However, depending on how well the business does, its shares will eventually take a negative trading position, signaling that a drop from higher to lower share prices is unavoidable and that subsequent trading sessions will see a rise. Apart from its stock exchange success, the company is also performing well in its major industry, and it is anticipated that its earnings and sales will continue to improve in the future.