When you are battling the elements constantly, you can often feel defeated, especially when it comes to keeping windows clean. Dirty windows within your home, business, or place of work can be a letdown. Plus, they can have an impact on the first impression you create. To keep windows clean, what approach can you take, and what should you be proactive about?
Focusing on a Regular Cleaning Schedule
One of the first things you will want to do is create a regular cleaning schedule. Cleaning windows on an ad-hoc basis is no good. However, when you have a regular cleaning schedule in place, you can be sure that windows are clean at all times. When you implement a regular cleaning schedule, you will find that grime and muck will never get the opportunity to build. This means that cleansing will take less time, as you will not have to struggle to remove grime and dirt that has built up or become ingrained over some time.
Cleaning Inside and Outside
Cleaning both the inside and the outside of all windows is crucial. You can spend a lot of time on the inside, but you can find you are let down by grime and watermarks on the outside. To keep your windows clean, you will want to focus on the inside and the outside at the same time. This means that you clean both sides each time you commit to cleaning. If you only focus on one side, you may find that you will be disappointed with the results, and with the look of your newly cleaned windows.
Deciding Which Products to Use
Not all cleaning products are suitable for cleaning windows. Some products can leave your windows looking smeared, and some can leave a film or coat behind. When deciding which products to use, look at the ready-made window cleaners, but also look at those more traditional products, such as white vinegar. Products that contain fewer ingredients are often better for cleaning windows, as they give you a streak-free finish. When purchasing new pads, sponges, or cloths, always make sure they do not scratch when used, as this will leave you feeling frustrated.
Don’t Forget Openings, Frames, and Hinges
Once you have all your products ready to go, you must remember to clean all areas of your window, including the bits you do not see. This means the hinges, the openings, and the frames must all be cleaned. If they are not, it will let down the finish, and it will have an impact on the overall cleanliness.
Reach Out to Professionals
Cleaning windows is not something that everyone will enjoy doing. Plus, it is not something that everyone will have time for. If you do not relish the opportunity to clean your windows or if you feel that you never quite get the finish, then reach out to the professionals. A professional window cleaner or cleaning firm will be able to get you the results in half the time it would take you. When you reach out to professionals, you can also make sure that windows get cleaned regularly, rather than on an as-you-can-fit-it-in basis.