Education is one of the essential foundations of a productive society, and the ever-growing effect of technology on the minds of children, teenagers, and adults, all the same, inspired the idea of using that interest to elevate the educational level. The technology of the classes is the term used to describe the creation of chances to learn and acquire knowledge in different manners. It is a common theme around developed and growing countries to use the technology of the modern age to connect with the young generation that will inevitably become the next and create a bond of trust in the teachers and the scholar staff. The technology that is usually found in classrooms and similar educational outlets is probably less complicated and more focused on the subject of studying than its commercial counterpart. But while, in theory, the application of technology in online or offline educational environments is undoubtedly modern and efficient, it has never proven to be effective in percentages. It never added to the charts, and in some cases, the results were worse.
1. Examples of technology used in classrooms
1.1 Tablets and smart devices
Most schools use smart tablets in primary classes to invoke and stimulate the imagination and the innovation that kids show at a very young age. They usually have no further application other than having the lessons and the library of the school, the two essential components for a learner. There exists, of course, the possibility of having a smartphone and connecting to the emails of teachers and finding out the newest updates. Still, that option is more correlated to college students than others. In universities, students are often found in classrooms with laptops or a smart device that allows them internet connection and the ability to document the class and take notes. And an average student cannot be utterly efficient without being connected to the classroom's official chatroom. Arranging documents and doing researches in real-time makes for a powerful combo that can only be achieved via technological leaps such as the ones mentioned before.
1.2 Online classes
In the global pandemic that the world in living today, as well as the need for staying home and social distancing. The usage of technology to build digital classrooms to chat and discuss courses with students that are dedicated enough to still study in this time of hardship. The internet gave the students a safe spot to exchange sessions and revise their lessons in an online fashion, preventing them from going out. This us of technology in classes is especially useful for those who are too busy to catch up to all the courses and homework that teachers give, or the ones that live far from the campus.Related: The reasons behind the US education failure
2. The pros and cons of using technology in classes
2.1 pros
- It can grab the attention of the disoriented and misguided students, as it can also give them the motivation to learn about the technology.
- It makes the job of the teacher easier by giving him an extensive arsenal of ways to communicate with the learners and provide them with advice.
- It is faster and more reliable than the traditional learning methods, and it is more up to date with the standards of the new modern age.
1.2 cons
- It can add to the addiction of some young adolescents on the use of technology for entertainment purposes.
- While it is accurate, the use of technology in class has never been statistically proven to be effective, due to the wrong application of the technology itself and the lack of sense of responsibility in young learners.
- Technology can be complicated and sometimes even overwhelming for young primary learners.
3. The psychological effect
When a child at a young age is exposed to such technology, it becomes a habit and a norm, and instead of considering it a luxury, it becomes normality for them. That effect on the mind is quite dangerous at a young age, and the light rays from the ionic screens can inflict massive damage on the naked eyes. Psychologically, the infant might enter a stage of isolation and denial, where they reject the outside world and pour all of their interest in the machine world. In a reaction, their social skills lessen, and their experience with handling necessary conversations and contextual situations weaken. The most extreme cases may lead to disorders and even lifetime traumas when they are not treated carefully. The inverse of the psychological factor on their minds is undeniable, but seeing as the world that they will be occupying will probably be all digitalized, and full of such technology, the effect will come sooner or later. Whether it will be a great deal or a smaller result is a question to be answered another day. But it is factual to say that the ability to get over the effect is the crucial point to be made.
- The natural progress of technology evolution
- Technology education: definition and importance
- Language disorder and delay in children; when to worry?
- Technology acceptance model the main sociological spectrum
- Technology terms and their importance in future conversations
Originally published on Live Positively.